1st Floor, UAC Building, Central...
S-TEE Schools was founded and established in September 1978 by Madam S. T. Lawal, with an ultimate goal to develop human capital. Since inception, the school has maintained a strong commitment to imparting sound moral, cultural, academic, spiritual and life training skills into our learners.
Our vision is aimed at building hopes, academic excellence and leadership aspirations of young people, that inspires them to realise their full potentials.
With a mission to raising a godly generation of global leaders, we are produce great minds, expert thinkers and solution-driven personnel, who are taking the world by storm.
We believe that if our processes (tutoring, teaching, modelling, coaching, training, counselling, etc) are well structured and implemented, we will produce great minds, expert thinkers, solution-driven personnel, who will take the world by storm.
Human capital development is our ultimate goal as this is the foundation for the economic and political restoration of our great continent, Africa.
S-TEE Schools currently serve students in the Nursery, Primary, Junior and Secondary High School, IGCSE and Cambridge A Level. The school campuses are located at H Close, 5th Avenue, Festac Town while S-TEE Schools (Cambridge College) is located at Ago Palace, Way, Okota, Lagos State. We are also listed on Businessfinder. Our website is here.
We have a diverse, multicultural population covering various ethnic groups and nationalities within the West African sub-region and beyond.
S-TEE Schools strives to build a culture in which all staff, students, parents and our community at large work continually together towards achieving a healthy and responsible learning environment.